Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Awareness among people

Saving of energy can be successfully carried out by educating people and spreading awareness about limited resources availability. Most of the people in India have rural background. In rural areas, proper education facility is scarce. So, due to lack of education people do not take any initiative regarding energy saving and have selfish mentality. People are moreover concerned about using and not about saving since they pay for it in form of tax. For them government is responsible for any issue. Such mentality hinders the success path of saving energy program at mass level.
So, to carry out the “ENERGY SAVING” program, people must be educated and proper awareness programs should be strictly carried out through cultural activities.

Role of Ethics

While living in Dayalbagh (Agra), an innovative idea has came in my mind that if we relate all these activities with the ethics which result in the saving/ security/ enhancement of the resources by plantation, rain water harvesting, prohibition on use of plastic, use of bicycle for short distance, maximum use of public transport, saving of electricity, recycling (concept of use and throw should be stopped, while the concept of reuse and damping must be emphasized), etc.

Solar Energy

Solar Energy is the renewable sources of energy which is alternative sources of almost all type of energy. Still due to the lack of technology, it has limited applications.
So if we are able to use maximum solar energy then we need not to worry about any resources in future. It can be possible not only when concern Research and Development Department will take a bigger step in this field but also it should be promoted on the large scale even in interior areas to make aware about the solar energy through formal as well as non-formal education, advertisements and other various awareness programs so that maximum utilization of the solar energy can be possible.
This program can also be enhance by providing subsidy to the concern components like solar plate which cost very high.

Rain Water Harvesting

While looking about the draught condition of the crop an idea came in my mind that, this condition can be over-come if we have the proper arrangement of rain-water harvesting.
In India, still we don’t have proper arrangement for rain-water harvesting. Hence, a large quantity of water remains unused. So, it could be better to have proper rain-water harvesting tanks and ponds, drainage system, etc. so that the demand of water for irrigation, etc. can be full-filled. In spite rain-water, ground-water is also very important and plays a vital role in our daily life. To ensure this we should have limited use of water for bathing, washing, cleansing, etc. No taps should be left open while bathing, brushing, kneading and washing, etc.

For more details contact me.  

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